Because anyone can blame Bush

.....Exposing the NOT SO "Liberal" Policys of the Big Brother- Far Left ..{P.C . think~POLICE ~} NATIONAL = - SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY of USSA, and the CORPORATE-SOCIALIST & FASCIST PROGRESSIVE Movement


Sunday, March 15, 2009


The far left "enviorementalist DONT really want a "green planet" as they may say.
Although some of there followers who follow this "New State Religion of Enviorementalism" may and have been duped!

If the "enviorementalist" truly put "envioremental causes above political ideaology as they claim.
They wouldn't be calling for an oncomming massive tax and redistribution of wealth called "cap & trade" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emissions_trading

The result of "taxing energy" would not give any incentive to the power companies and industry to go "clean" or "green"but only defer higher prices on the consumer (thats you and me) and price out many resulting in layoffs.

in conclusion:

If the Federal Govt. truly wanted to make the planet cleaner (and we all do reguardless of political affliation) They would give large tax cuts to industrys that go to "clean energy" which in effect create incentive for those industrys to make larger profits (in the end thats the name of the game companys are in business to make profit) and they would NOT TAX PRODUCTIVITY!

.............WELCOME TO THE Socialist-Fascisto States of Amerika and the NWO and new State Religion of Global Warming.

ALL BOW! to the tune of 856 Billion of your money to create "The SuperState Corporation"

......where as NO other Corporation except those getting tax payers money aloted by "Big Brother" will be able to compete.

All others shall pay to create it "for OUR OWN benefit" ........because they know better than us what's good for us!!!

By the Way what exactly is a "Green Job" ? does anyone know anyone whom has one? And is China, India ..And are the Russians exactly worried about CO2~?

Because Al Gore sure isn't with his 3 private jets and all-terrain gas guzlers and house the size of three city blocks that uses more energy then three New York City Blocks!!!


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